Pedigree For: Parents: Grand Parents: Great Grand Parents: Great Great Grand Parents:
240 Sky King 240 Sky King
640 Cloud King (DECEASED) ABBI Reg #10035356 640 Cloud King (DECEASED) PBR/CBR Bull
RJ 381
S113 Heir to the Throne S113 Heir to the Throne ABBI Reg #10137715, 2013 MBBA Futurity Year End Champion
938 Baby Brother 938 Baby Brother
813 Super Baby 813 Super Baby
613 Super Shot 613 Super Shot
S920 (Gray Goose) (SOLD) 2021 MBBA Futurity Year End Top 5;, 2020 MBBA Yearling Year End Top 5;, 2020 MBBA Finals Yearling Top 5 S920 (Gray Goose) (SOLD) ABBI Reg #10234611
770 Double Shot (DECEASED) ABBI Reg #10008832 770 Double Shot (DECEASED) PBR/PRCA Bull
S614 Double Up (DECEASED) ABBI Reg #10043494 S614 Double Up (DECEASED) PBR/CBR Bull;, 2008 ABBI Futurity Finals - 7th Place;, 2008 American Heritage Futiurity - 12th Place
414 Re-Red
420 420
581 Notorious (DECEASED) 581 Notorious (DECEASED) ABBI Reg #10024333
920 Flandreau
200 Bi-Centennial 200 Bi-Centennial
Naccarato Breeding
A67 Reindeer Dippin A67 Reindeer Dippin
AN 11
M07 Redneck Reindeer ABBI Registration #10123373 M07 Redneck Reindeer 2016 World Finals Maturity Top 15, 2016 MBBA Year End Maturity Champion, 2015 MBBA Year End Maturity Reserve Champion
A2 Rojo
Hart 111
TBB 739
SPM 17 SPM 17 ABBI #10259520
007 Secret Agent (DECEASED) ABBI Reg #10023615 007 Secret Agent (DECEASED) 22+ Avg;, Maternal Brother to 133 Stitch (76 outs, 21+ Avg);, Paternal Brother to several bulls w/PBS stats
S46 Secret Weapon ABBI Reg #10029768 S46 Secret Weapon PBR/CBR Bull
106 Baby Powder
SPM 437 SPM 437
S4 Ruby Red (DECEASED) ABBI Reg #10013380 S4 Ruby Red (DECEASED) 23+ Avg;, Selected for 2000 PBR World Finals
77 Lucky Lady
207 Hotwire